
17 Ucapan Selamat Hari Natal 2021 dalam Bahasa Inggris

17 Ucapan Selamat Hari Natal 2021 dalam Bahasa Inggris

Siapa yang tak kenal dengan Natal? Ya Natal merupakan hari raya umat Kristen yang diperingatin setiap tahun nya oleh umat kristiani diseluruh dunia pada tanggal 25 Desember untuk memperingatin hari kelahiran Yesus Kristus. Dimana Kata Natal berasal dari bahasa Portugis yang berarti “kelahiran”. Ibadah Natal dirayakan dalam kebaktian malam pada tanggal 24 desember dan Ibadah kebaktian pagi pada tanggal 25 desember.

Pandemi membuat seluruh umat kristiani seluruh dunia tidak bisa merayakan perayaan natal bersama sanak keluarga, sahabat, tetangga secara tatap muka seperti beberapa tahun sebelumnya, sehingga memberi ucapan natal banyak dilakukan dengan sosial media. Berikut ini 17 ucapan selamat Hari Natal Tahun 2021 yang telah kami rangkum dalam bahasa inggris

17 Ucapan Selamat Hari Natal dalam Bahasa Inggris:

  1. Merry Christmas 2021, May God Bless
  2. Merry Christmas in 2021, may our lives and families always be filled with the love and peace of our Father in Heaven
  3. Merry Christmas in 2021, May the Spirit of Christmas bring Peace and Joy to all of our families
  4. Merry Christmas in 2021, Let the Peace of Christ Reign in Your Hearts (Colossians 3:15)
  5. Merry Christmas in 2021, May all mankind rejoice in celebrating Christmas this year
  6. Merry Christmas in 2021, let’s rejoice because today has been born for us our savior, namely the Lord Jesus Christ
  7. Merry Christmas in 2021, Hopefully this Christmas will make us excited to keep fighting and give the best in life.
  8. Merry Christmas in 2021, May the light of Christmas live in our hearts and be a light for our families and neighbors.
  9. Merry Christmas in 2021, May the world be filled with the warmth of Christmas, Lord Jesus bless us all
  10. Merry Christmas 2021, Peace throughout Indonesia, home to all of us
  11. Merry Christmas in 2021, May the Peace of Christmas and the Love of Jesus Christ always be with us.
  12. Merry Christmas in 2021, Joy of Happiness is heard when the bells ring a sign that Christmas has arrived.
  13. Merry Christmas in 2021 and Happy New Year 2022, May we and our families be healthy and prosperous always.
  14. Merry Christmas 2021, Happy Rejoicing with the Family.
  15. Merry Christmas 2021 for those of you who celebrate
  16. Merry Christmas in 2021, Christmas is proof of God’s love for us. Have we received the love and salvation that Jesus provides?
  17. Merry Christmas in 2021, May we all be happy with our loved ones on this happy day.

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Originally posted 2022-02-05 12:43:47.

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